
Sunday, December 1, 2019

EOTC week (Art Gallery, Museum, Botanic Garden, library)


In this blog post I will tell you my experience of going to EOTC week, day one.

EOTC means: Education outside the classroom.

So we had groups and I had four friends in my groups. Our group first went to the Museum. My first impression of the outside of the building looks like an old building.

The first thing that I saw was a cave and then I went inside it and as I go through it makes it more darker. Then we had a scavenger hunt sheet. We had to find the clues and feel something. There was a lots of stuff like green stones, Maori suits, ninja guy and a mummy. My favourite was the ninja guy because he had lots of ninja weapons and the suit including the armours. I got taken pictures of a riding horse and the old bicycle from the past. And then there was lots of stuff to buy.

Next place we went is to the Botanic Garden to eat something. After we had a break in the Botanic Garden we wen't to the art gallery.

The building structure was really cool because it looks like it's build with glasses. The weather was really hot but luckily there was air con on the stand of the building. This time the scavenger hunt is different because we had a clipboard to lean on and a pencil on a string. The bad thing was we can't touch the arts. The scavenger hunt sheet is about how you feel about the art work and what you think its made out of also how you feel about it, and more. My favourite thing that I saw in the art gallery was the soundproof thing, when you jump the leaves fall off. The other thing that I like was the movie theatre were you can relax and watch. Because of the projector which reflects on the wall. WE had lots of fun in the art gallery, but it was time to walk again in the Botanic Garden to eat our lunch.

In the Botanic Garden I was hanging up on a tree, probably two metres high. And I was being a hilarious monkey. But then the last thing that we had to go is at the library.

In the library there were lots of people and three stories high. I climbed up the stairs to find the play station but I couldn't find it, so I just wen't the highest stories. I wen't on a computer and played games on it. But then I was so board so I wen't down the elevator, suddenly I found the play station section but unluckily there were already people playing on it. I wen't with my friends and played in the elevator. We kept playing on the elevator and having a party. When I wen't on the elevator lots of time it was time to go.

Image result for canterbury museum in christchurch

Image result for art gallery chch

Image result for library chch

I hope you guys enjoy my long blog post of my EOTC week. Make sure to leave a comment

Question of the day: Have you guys wen't on a library and played games on it?

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