
Thursday, December 12, 2019

Year 6 leavers presentation!

Hi guys,

Welcome back to my blog. In this blog post I will tell you what happened in the year 6 leavers presentation.

Yesterday it was my year six leaver speech and all the year six's too. So it happened in the school gym of our school. The decoration was really incredible.

One of the teacher's spoke and announce the year six's. And after the teacher spoke it was the children's time to speak. Lot's of their speeche's made people heart happy and teacher's. Lot's of people cried to.

After lots of people spoke their speeches we had a desert. Their were several of ice cream and cake flavour. I only choosed the chocolate ice cream flavour. The chocolate ice cream was really nice but then lots of my friends had ice cream and cake. Then the teacher's said we could have a second one, but me I didn't I just drank water.

Then couple of speeches it was my turn. I was really nervous and had a butterfly in my stomach, because their were lots of people. Then after my speech I was grateful and no more butterflies in my tummy.

After all the year six spoke their speeches we had an award. So we get to keep a greenstone which in maori it is (pounamu). And we had a picture of all the year six's and signed by all of them. \

Then people had to say something. After that I helped cleaning up.

Please leave a comment if you enjoy my blog post. Please don't hesitate when you commenting. 

Question of the day: Have you guys experience a speech that had to be less then a minute?

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